Nomination to The Liebster Award by Satya…
This is a pleasant surprise for me to get nominated for this award. This is the first time ever I got nominated to any award and appreciation for my work. Thank you (Satya) https://homerecipecollections.wordpress.com/ for nominating https://sirisblog.com.
I like Satya’s simple way of sharing recipes and pics of nature… and also I agree with her words Love yourself….. Be sure to stop by and check out her blog by Clicking Here.
What is Liebster Award?
The Liebster Award is an online award given by bloggers to bloggers and has been around since 2011. This is a recognition of their contribution to the blogging community. It is simply passed on and its goal is to promote and support fellow bloggers. Not only is this a great way to give fellow bloggers some recognition, but it is motivational as well.
In German, Liebster means sweetest, kindest, nicest, dearest, beloved, lovely, kind, pleasant, valued, cute and endearing. It is a great initiative for supporting and showcasing new blogs.
- Thank the blogger who nominated you, and provide a link to their blog
- Answer the 11 questions given to you
- Nominate other bloggers
- Ask your nominees 11 questions
- Notify your nominees once you have uploaded your post
Here are the answers for my questions..
- What is your thought about blogging?
Blogging is a very nice way to express and share our talents, passions, opinions and thoughts and also get in touch with people who has same interests..
2. Tell Some Words About Nature?
Love and Respect nature. Feel and connect with it.. it will be like your friend, it responds. We are nothing without nature..
3. Which is your favorite Indoor plant?
Aloe vera
4. What is your favorite color and why?
Dark purple.. don’t know why
5. What is the dish often you making in your kitchen and Why?
Rice and dal. We love rice
6. What type of cuisine you love?
Indian and Mexican..
7. Do you believe in god?
Completely from the bottom of my heart.
8. Who is your favorite cookbook author?
I don’t usually refer any cook books…
9. Which Cooking channel you love to watch?
I don’t watch any cooking channels but I like to watch baking shows like sugar rush, zumbo’s just desserts with my daughter.
10. Which is your favorite world wonder and why?
Taj Mahal. The beauty of Taj always mesmerizing.. and peaceful…
- https://inspiredlivingnews.com/
- https://francochuksblog.wordpress.com/
- https://easyrealfoodrecipes.com/
- https://indianeskitchen.com/
- https://daneelyunus.com/
- https://for-healths.com/
- https://publicissueonline.wordpress.com/
- https://gingeralekitchen.com/
Questions for Nominees
- What is your favorite thing to blog about?
- Why do you like blogging?
- What is the best book you’ve read?
- Do you meditate?
- How do you motivate yourself during tough times?
- What would you describe as ‘Soul food’?
- What is your favorite quote?
- In the event of an emergency home evacuation, what is the 1st item you grab?
- What is your biggest fear and how did you overcome it?
- Do you sing? What is your favorite song?
- Are you an outgoing or stay at home type?
hmm….nice title that got me in here…wanted to check on you and say Keep it up Sirisha….will follow you and hope to stay in touch as possible…invite you to do the same…all the best….
Thank you Sophia.. sure..
Thank you..
Enjoyed your answers and thank you for the nomination!
Congratulations on your Nomination and thanks so much for Nominating me.
Indeed am greatful.
Nice Answers by you 👍
Thank you..